Plant-based Burgers

Fatyma Mehar
3 min readJul 23, 2020

The Plant-based diet has gained popularity because of the popular Netflix documentaries and social media campaigns lately. We have seen a rise in plant-based meat alternatives like the Impossible Burger and Beyond Burger in past years, and more interestingly COVID- 19 have created more space for these vegan meat options. We have seen it that the plant-based meat market was estimated at $12.1 billion in 2019 and is expected to be doubled in the figure by 2025. But the point here is that something that tastes so good also be good for your health? This article insight at science-based look at plant-based burgers and how could they affect women’s lifestyles.

For women, it could be difficult to balance the demands of family and work and to maintain a healthy diet. Many of the women are prone to neglect their dietary needs, but health management must be a top priority for every woman’s life. Right food does not only boost your energy but also helps in maintaining a healthy weight and reduce the risk of diseases.

We have seen many food trends in our lives that come and go, but this plant-based diet seems to be long-lasting. Many big brands and fast-food chains have been competing to introduce various plant-based foods, including burgers and nuggets. We have seen it that younger consumers are more interested in environmentally conscious menus than ever before because of climate change issues.

But this concept of the plant-based diet isn’t new. In the past, there have been veggie burgers available in original grocery stores. However, the new plant-based diet is different importantly that they are made from plants that taste like meat, and they market these products to meat-eating customers so the customers who purchase meat could replace them. These burgers include ingredients that are mimic of flavor, aroma, and even the color of the meat. One of the key ingredients of the plant-based burger is a genetically modified version of ‘heme’, which gives it a unique meaty flavor.

Brands that work behind plant-based burgers ensure that their burgers have taste, macronutrient balance, and same cooking experience as of meat. If compared with ground beef, plant-based burgers provide the following amount of:

· 250 to 280 calories

· High-quality protein (20 g in each patty)

· Micronutrients (these vary from brand to brand, for instance, Impossible Burger contains zinc, B vitamins including Vitamin B12, whereas Beyond burgers do not contain any such micronutrients.

Along with all these benefits, plant-based burgers also face criticism and skepticism. They have been criticized because of their sodium content. A plant-based burger contains 370 mg of sodium whereas a typical meat patty contains 80 mg of sodium. Impossible burger has 8 grams of saturated fat because of the coconut oil. By comparison, the meat burger has 9 grams of saturated fats. That’s not a lot of monumental difference however plant-based burgers are cholesterol-free.

Plant-based burgers have contributed to climate change and in every metric, including water and land use. This works as a driving motivation for Pat Brown, the CEO of Impossible Foods. In an interview with Business Insider, he was asked that why he cares so much about replacing meat, he replied, “We are in the advanced stages where our planet could face biggest environmental catastrophe, and overwhelmingly the driving force behind this is animal-based food technology”. Whereas, the livestock contributes about 15 percent in greenhouse gas emission.

If we look into stats, 78% of vegans in the US are women and American men eat 57% more meat than American women. There are some reasons for which women are likely to be vegan as compared to men because women are likely to be more responsible for grocery shopping and cooking, that’s why they are more inclined towards the research of healthy eating and trying veganism. So, if you enjoy the taste of plant-based burgers and your food philosophy also includes vegetarianism or to eat to sustain the environment, then, by all means, a plant-based burger is the best choice for you!



Fatyma Mehar

I am a copywriter working with various web agencies and write about travel, politics, educational blogs, well and technology.