Beaumaris Castle

Fatyma Mehar
3 min readSep 11, 2020

Beaumaris Castle is the largest and last castle that was built from (1272 CE to 1307 CE) by King Edward I in Whales. It is one of the most sophisticated examples of medieval military architecture in Britain that was built on an entirely new site to protect the territorial gains in the region. This castle featured the most advanced defensive design of the period designed by James of St. George. He had many years of experience in castle building in Wales and on the continent. Beaumaris Castle has round towers, inner and outer circuit walls, massive towered gates, and a fortified dock.

Beaumaris Castle is a ‘concentric’ castle that was built with almost geometric symmetry. A concentric design means it is a castle within a castle that was meant to be undefeatable. It has an outer wall that is 15 feet thick, covered by an 18-foot wide moat with 16 towers and two gates. The outer wall is 27 feet tall but shorter that allows archers to fire on anyone who tries to pass the outer wall. If someone tries to invade the castle and made it inside, he still would have to go through more than 15 lines of defense.

The inner ward of the Beaumaris Castle is great in size. It covers ¾ of an acre and surrounded by a further six towers and two huge gatehouses. These inner gatehouses were designed to give protection to the residencies with the North Gatehouse that have an impressive first fall hall of (70 into 25 ft) and 21 into 7.5 meters with five large ornate windows on the inner side. It is clear here that the sole purpose was to provide luxurious suites for accommodation. There is a little chapel situated in the tower with the ceiling and pointed windows that attract every person who visits the Beaumaris Castle.

For the South Gate, another block of equal size was planned, but this was never expanded further than its footings. It was planned to include a hall, kitchens, stables, and perhaps a granary around the edge of the ward. However, there are some pieces of evidence of their existence in the face of the curtain wall, but it is not certain that it was ever completed.

For the construction of Beaumaris Castle over 1500 men were employed. At the start of 1296, the First War of Scottish independence started that halted the construction of the castle. Because of this reason, significant parts of the structure were incomplete that includes the Northern part of the outer curtain wall and many of the buildings of the Inner Ward.

Beaumari’s large exterior towers are impressive and their toughness is enhanced by the dark gray pattern of stones. It has fascinating interior passageways that are found inside the walls of the inner ward. The beauty of the castle is enhanced by wonderful views afforded across the Menai Strait to the Snowdonia Mountains beyond that could be enjoyed from inside and outside of the castle. Meanwhile, Beaumaris Castle has been designated as a ‘World Heritage Site’ because of its accomplishment in the art of medieval castle building.



Fatyma Mehar

I am a copywriter working with various web agencies and write about travel, politics, educational blogs, well and technology.